Sunday, February 13, 2011

tomato red

by: Daniel Woodrell 169 pp.

Sammy, an ex-con just passing through towns, does not fit in with just anyone. He does find a couple of kids who will have him. Jamalee and her brother, Jason, find Sammy drunk and doped up and asleep in a huge mansion that he broke into the night before. Tomato Red is the color of Jamalee's hair and Sammy has a liking for her. This novel is placed in the Ozarks and the kids mentioned live in what's known as Venus Holler.
The story is in first person of Sammy. It is as if he is actually telling you the story as you read it. Some words may not be suitable for some, but without the vulgar words, it would not be Sammy telling the story.
They are planning a future for themselves, but the future changes; and all because of fate - bad fate. Remember, not all stories have a good ending, but it is a journey of day to day events.

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