Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jane in Bloom by Deborah Lytton

This book will never win the Truman Award but it isn't because it's a bad book.  The title is "Jane in Bloom"-reason #1 for why no boy will read it willingly.  It has a giant yellow rose on the cover-reason #2 why no boy will read it willingly.  It's written by a woman-reason #3 why no boy will read it willingly.  It's very sad-reason get the picture.  But it's a shame because the book is not only well-written in a straightforward style but it's a really meaningful look at how it feels to love a sister and still be overshadowed-how all the drama in a family can get wrapped up in one person without anyone ever intending that to happen, how a girl can love her sister but not be able to save her.  I required four Kleenex to read this book, which I finished in one sitting.  It's only 182 pages long but it's lean and spare in the best way a book like this can be.  And it's subtle, not too preachy.  I'm not really sure who the audience for this book is.  I made a big deal out of saying boys wouldn't pick it up, but I don't think every girl will like it either.  I'm going to try it out on my 12 year old who hates everything.  I'll keep you posted...
Kim F

book jacket

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