Friday, February 18, 2011

"Be Thrifty, Not Cheap: How to Live Better with Less" by Pia Catton and Califia Suntree

368 pages

This book has sections for all kinds of areas of life: food, entertainment, transportation, recreation, raising children, and more. Each section has tips for getting the most from your money as well as anecdotes from people about how they've made the most of what they had. There are step-by-step instructions for repairing things and performing maintenance around the house so items can last longer and you don't have to pay a professional to do things--everything from changing the oil in a car to sewing projects to trimming hair. It's realistic, though, and advises on situations that are better left to professionals. I like the simplicity of the directions and the pictures that accompany them--I felt inspired to try things that might have intimidated me before (I sewed on my first button--sad, I know, for someone who is 25). On the other hand, I'd heard most of the shopping tips and general advice before. This book was definitely worth reading, though, for all of the handy instructions and ideas for recycling things. I don't buy many books, but this is one that would be useful to have around the house!