Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Suck It Up" by Brian Meehl

321 pages

Morning McCobb is a vampire--the only scrawny, awkward one in a school full of stunning, sexy vampires (most blood-suckers only turn super-attractive people into new vampires, but he was accidentally transformed when the one who was drinking his blood burped and some backwash flowed back into Morning...yup, backwash). He is graduating from the International Vampire League, which seeks to help vampires get by with only animal or substitute blood and live in harmony with humans. Then one of the IVL leaders talks him into becoming the first vampire to go public and convince people that vampires are friends, not foes. Things get complicated, though, when he meets Portia, the cute, fiesty young daughter of his new PR manager. Meanwhile, a vicious "Loner" vampire who wants to keep humans in the dark decides to get kill Morning to get him out of the way.

This book is a refreshing take on the teen vampire trend. It pokes fun at the sexy vampire idea and doesn't take itself too seriously. The characters are likable and easy to relate to. The main storyline is pretty predictable, but there are a few twists and turns that kept me interested. I thought a few parts were corny and far-out there (for example, blood from a "virgin who is in love" has special powers), but overall I enjoyed this fun novel.

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