Monday, June 27, 2011

Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer by Van Jensen & Dusty Higgins

Here's the premise: Pinocchio wasn't always the best boy in the world but he loved Geppetto.  When Geppetto is killed by vampires...yes, vampires...Pinocchio seeks revenge.  Every time Pinocchio tells a lie his nose grows-into a perfect vampire stake with an endless supply.

Even without the vampires this is not your Disney Pinocchio. The authors are kind enough to provide a brief(and hilarious) overview of the original Pinocchio story in the beginning. Here, Pinocchio is accompanied by Master Cherry the carpenter, the Blue Fairy and yes, the cricket...sorta.  What I liked about the story was the darkness mixed with humor. The town is besieged and a battle is going on between good and evil but at the heart of it is a mash-up of a family brought together by loyalty and love for each other rather than blood. Sweet, compassionate and bust out laughing funny. Oh, and kinda gross here and there. The illustrations are all black and white with varying degrees of detail. 2009, 128 pages.

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