Friday, March 4, 2011

The Tardis Handbook

by Steve Tribe, 128 pages

As a relatively new Whovian (I actually prefer being called a "Wholigan"), I wanted to brush up on all the new Tardis bells and whistles. This book features Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, so the latest version of the Tardis is featured in this book.

I learned quite about the history of the Tardis (Time and Relative Dimension in Space for you Muggles). It also highlighted some prior Time Lord history, and explained who the Doctor's enemies are. (Exterminate! For a quick online review, watch the musical number from the Craig Ferguson Show on Youtube.)

If you've read this far, you are either a Whovian or have the potential to become one. In that case, I read another book last fall that you might enjoy: Chicks Dig Time Lords. It has literate essays from female fans, including many librarians and novelists.

In the Whoniverse, Ten will always be my Doctor.


  1. Tom Baker, the Fourth Doctor and and the first to air this side of the pond, will always be my Doctor, but I am a big fan of all three from the new series (with Ten being my fav among them). The Doctor does seem to be regenerating backards, as you mentioned the other night, getting younger with each incarnation. I wonder if he'll come back as a teenager next time? Hee hee hee.

  2. Yes, good point! Though I do like all 3 of the Doctors in the rebooted series. When I get caught up on my DVRing, I will have to watch some of the Tom Baker episodes. He's the only Doctor I remember from the early days.
