Sunday, February 27, 2011

Paula Deen's Cookbook for the Lunch-Box Set

By: Paula Deen with Martha Nesbit and Illustrated by Susan Mitchell, 191 pp

I enjoyed reading this cookbook page for page with my 14 year old daughter. At first, she thought it was silly because she said it looked like it was just for little kids, but then once she really got into reading it with me, I would hear her say, "Oh, I did not know that was how you measure that!" Or, "Wow! It does seem easy to read a recipe now and make something." She had not ever been able to follow a recipe before this book.
Paula Deen has added an index, a glossary, and pictures by all that is needed for kids to prepare meals, desserts, and snacks for themselves and their families.
We enjoyed making the roll-up sandwiches together. It was a lot of fun and delicious too. We also used our own ingredients and just followed Paula's recipe steps and measurements and it still worked!
A delicious book to read and spend time with your kids creating fun!

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