Monday, July 30, 2012

Real: Volume 10

by Takehiko Inoue, 210 pages

As Takahashi and his friends avoid the dreaded pool (or, more accurately, the dreaded physical therapy coach who runs it), Nomiya readies himself for the pro tryouts and Togawa readies himself for an all together different kind of test.

Togawa's so strong, it's easy to forget he's got fears, too.  It makes me happy that his friend (girlfriend? I'm not sure they know, either) Azumi isn't about to be left behind and plans to strive toward her own goals.

Oh, Takahashi!  It's taken him so long to get to the point where he can let himself have a goal, let alone feel the ambition to fight for it.  I want to cry, and he hasn't even mastered picking a ball up off the floor yet.

Nomiya cracks me up!  And makes me want to give him a fist bump.  He's a little awesome.

And so is this series.  Read it.  *foist*

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