Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Americus by M.K. Reed and Jonathan David Hill


This is a graphic novel manifesto about book banning. The main characters are obsessed with a "Harry Potter-esque" series only to have it challenged in the library.

I felt this book was written for librarians more than anyone else. I think teens will still like it, but the message is very heavy, so I think it might be a turn off for some teens. The whole banning is very stereotypical and out of control with conservative Christians being the bad guys. I know that typically they are, but it still annoys me when they get so overly stereotyped in fiction almost to a caricature. I wish there had been at least some redemption for the mom who was challenging the book in the first place.

The librarian is too open and talks to her patrons that would never really happen. She also reads the series at the desk (lucky!) and is able to offer our young teen main character a job right then and there without going through anyone else.

It's a nice manifesto, but a bit over the top for my tastes.

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