Saturday, July 30, 2011

Faerie Wars

by Herbie Brennan
368 pages

Henry is your typical British school boy who goes to school, causes trouble with his friends and helps the old neighbor down the street with chores. Then one morning, his parents throw him a curve ball and say they are separating . . . because his mother is having an affair with his father's female secretary. In a daze after hearing this news, he goes to Mr. Fogarty's house and comes across a fairy. Turns out there is more than one world, there is the fairy world, the analog world (where Henry is now) and Hael (but we'll get to that later). The fairy Henry finds is actually the crown prince of the fairy world. He has been sent to the analog world for his protection, but the transporter had been tampered with and he was sent to the wrong place. Henry and Mr. Fogarty must get him back where he belongs.
Meanwhile, in the fairy world, a war is brewing between the ruling class and the Faeries of the Night. The Faeries of the Night have demons from Hael on their side. Demons are little grey creatures with large heads, big black eyes and large, gangley limbs (what we think of as aliens, perhaps?!?).
Though it was as predictable as a book about a fairy war could be, it had some fresh ideas and was a good read.

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