Thursday, March 31, 2011


By Lucy Christopher

304 pages

Gemma is kidnapped from an airport and taken to a deserted place in Austrailia by Ty who has watched her for years. He has done this to save Gemma and he loves her. Gemma isn't so sure about this and writes him a letter from her point of view about her captivity at his hands.

Stolen is a captivating look into kidnapping and an angle we rarely hear about, when the captor and captive work together and eventually maybe like each other. True Ty kidnaps her and this is wrong but throughout the story we are shown time and time again how much her cares for Gemma. The more Gemma learns about Ty's past she begins to understand his behavior but not to the point of excusing it. In the end everyone this she has Stockholm Syndrome but I don't think she does. Gemma sees things very clearly but it doesn't make sense to an outsider.

I reccomend this book to any fan of teen literature and anyone intrigued by people living outside the law so to speak. It was very interesting and I like it a lot, I'm not the only one either. Winner of the Branford Boase award, Michael L. Printz award and the Southern Schools Book Award. It was featured on other literary lists as well.

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