Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vagabond: Volume 12

by Takehiko Inoue, based on the novel Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa, 214 pages

Matahachi's and Musashi's feet carry them to the territory of Shishido Baiden of the Sickle and Chain, a deadly-skilled weapons master. But is the legendary man a man, a child, both, or a ghost? Whatever the answer, Musashi gets his strength-building challenge, but not quite under the circumstances he expects.

Matahachi seems to do nothing with his life but run away--from his former best friend, from his own mother, from himself. And the costs of fleeing are only getting higher. It's such a contrast to the flashbacks of the fresh-faced friends eagerly running toward the battle they believe will make their names--names they both ultimately leave behind there, instead.

Not an easy volume to read, this. Matahachi has so much ground to cover in order to catch up to Musashi's level of self-awareness and slow but steady maturing. It's painful to see him suffer from insecurities and hide behind a stolen name he doesn't believe he can live up to. I just hope he grows up and accepts himself soon so the two can someday meet again as equals.

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