Friday, March 11, 2011

The Adventures of the Princess and Mr. Whiffle

This book would make Voldemort giggle.

The Princess and her teddy bear live alone in a Marzipan castle and spend their days engaging in a variety of adventures that define what it means to be a kid. Pirate battles, riding ponies and even freaking out about the "thing" underneath the bed can fool the reader into believing this is a children's book. Trust me, it isn't. There are three endings depending on the mood of the reader.

This graphic novel was a surprise read on lunch break a few days ago and it still makes me chuckle in reflection. It has sweet moments and moments that make you cover your mouth and go, "oh no" as you giggle in dark delight.  My advice? Just go with it and enjoy!  2010, 68 pages.


  1. Your first sentence sums it all up! Should we be concerned that we have been giggling about something that Voldemort would enjoy? I say we don't worry about it :)

  2. Ha! Let's just enjoy being twisty for a bit. :)

  3. Ah! This book was so hilarious! And yes, Voldemort would love it!

  4. Hilarious and...disturbing...and hilarious. And I don't think I can read it again! :P *eep!*
