Monday, January 31, 2011


Incarceron by Catherine Fisher.
Two worlds: one a prison, where thousands of prisoners fight, murder, steal, and perform other acts in order to have food, shelter, safety. Finn lives in Incarceron, but has no memory of how he got there. The other, Claudia's world, is one of Protocol. Everything that is done is done in the name of protocol. Claudia's father is the warden of the prison, Incarceron. He has been distant, secretive and cold toward Claudia all of her life. When Claudia learns that her arranged marriage to the son of the queen has been moved up to the following week, she and her tutor steal into the warden's office and find a crystal key. Soon they learn they can use the key to speak with the owner of the other key, Finn. And so Finn and his cohorts begin communicating with Claudia and Jared in an attempt to find a way out of Incarceron.
This is an intense, dystopian novel with lots of twists and turns. While I really enjoy listening to audiobooks, I think I would have followed the plots better had a read this book rather than listened to it.
442 pages; 11 hours, 37 minutes.

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