Friday, June 24, 2011

X/1999: Volume 9: Requiem

by CLAMP, 178 pages

Kamui is saved from Kotori's fate by the intervention of another dream seer--but Fuma has seen the newcomer, too, and goes off to track him down and make use of him. Traumatized, Kamui slips into a catatonic state and the only one who has a chance of saving his mind and soul is one who has been in his shoes. Subaru Sumeragi must revisit his own pain by travelling into the depths of Kamui's tortured soul to lead him out of the darkness and back to reality, back to life.

The seven Seals, the Dragons of Heaven, have finally come together. But what do they do now? As the Harbingers, the Dragons of the Earth, assemble below one of Tokyo's landmarks, the distinction between good and evil is as indefinite as ever, despite the violence perpetrated on the latter's behalf. Fate declares that only one can survive--either mankind or the Earth--but how could any future without one or the other be worth all the suffering and sacrifice? Kamui will likely be the one to ask that question--and to bear the burdens that come with answering it.

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