Tuesday, June 21, 2011

"Once Upon a Time There Was You" by Elizabeth Berg

280 pages

John and Irene both had big doubts before they got married, but they went through with their wedding anyway. Now it's more than 20 years later and they've been divorced for almost a decade. John still lives in Minnesota, while Irene has migrated to San Francisco. The only tie that still binds them together is their beloved 18-year-old daughter, Sadie. When Sadie is put in danger, John and Irene come together again to support her and deal with the aftermath.

I really got into this story at first but it only held my interest up until after Sadie's incident. I love the way that Berg writes, particularly her use of detail and how she describes people. She creates real characters that I can relate to, even when they are in completely different situations than I am. On the other hand, there just isn't enough going on to entertain me past about halfway through. I liked how it ended, but I thought it took too long to get there.

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