Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
by Suzanne Collins
374 pages

I have heard buzz about this book for a long time, but for some reason never really got into it. For some reason, I tend to stay away from YA novels. But then I heard that Josh Hutcherson was going to be playing Peeta in "The Hunger Games" movie. And I may or may not have a huge ginormous crush on Josh Hutcherson.

So I knew that I had to see the movie. And I try not to see a movie based on a book without reading the book first. So when I was at Target and saw that they had a copy of "The Hunger Games" for only $8, well, it was too good to pass up.

I LOVED it. Love love loved it. And that might be because since I already knew who was playing who in the movie. That helped me to envision what was happening while reading.

Also, Katniss Everdeen might be one of the most badass characters created. Right behind Lizbeth Salander.


  1. LynnDee, I adore Josh Hutcherson too! I had to buy "The Hunger Games Official Illustrated Movie Companion" primarily because of the amazing Josh photos. Oh, and "The Hunger Games" is okay too. :)

  2. I LOVED it too!! And Josh Hutcherson is such a cutie!! He's going to be a great Peeta!
