Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Crossed" by Ally Condie (Matched #2)

367 pages

The end of "Matched" found Cassia on her way to the Outer Provinces in pursuit of Ky, who had been taken by the Society to almost certain death. In doing so, she was rebelling against the Society for the first time in her life. Ky had introduced her to the idea of choosing her own mate, her own job, her own lifestyle--her freedom--instead of trusting her happiness to the Society. However, as "Crossed" begins, we discover that Ky has escaped into the desert, leaving clues that Cassia hopes will help her find him. The thing is, if and when they do find each other, they'll have to come to an agreement on their next step. Ky has already lost family and friends in acts of rebellion, and he'd rather stay under the radar. Cassia, meanwhile, believes in the Resistance and wants to find it to help lead a revolution against the Society.

I was not super-impressed with "Matched," but I was interested enough in the characters and the story to see what happened next. I just wasn't exactly dying for the sequel to arrive. It basically met my expectations. I thought it was a fun, entertaining read, but nothing earth-shattering. I enjoy reading about the crazy dystopian thing the Society has going on, but it's a pretty classic setup without much to keep it fresh. Ky and Cassia weren't as interesting to me this time around, for some reason, but I like a few of the new characters who come on the scene. The ending feels a little rushed, but I overall I liked what happened and where the series is going.

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