Monday, September 26, 2011

Sabriel (Abhorsen: 1)

by Garth Nix
(1995 | 491 p)

Sabriel is excited to be a few weeks from graduation. Her life in the all girls boarding school has been a good one and now she's eager for a chance to broaden her horizons. But when her father, Abhorsen, suddenly goes missing Sabriel realizes that she is the only one who can find him. Her father isn't just any man. Abhorsen is the world's greatest defense against the Dead and their insatiable desire is to claw their way back into Life. With his absence, Sabriel begins to learn about the heavy responsibility that comes with being Abhorsen.

What a fun story, can't believe I'm just now discovering it. Reminds me of Ursula Le Guin's Wizards of Earthsea in that it's a fast read that takes place in a well-conceived alternative world. Be prepared to be plopped right down in the middle of it, too. You hit the ground running with this one. Charter and Free magic, the Old Kingdom, Ancelstierre, magic bells, and the nine gates of Death. You figure it out as the story unfolds, there's no preamble. I was lucky enough to pick up a library copy in which some kind soul had added a post-it note listing each of the bells and their titles. I referred to that list a lot! This story had everything I love. A strong female lead, a well constructed alternative world, and even a few surprises. Can't wait to get my paws on book two.


  1. So, Jenny. "Ancelstierre," a play on "England"? I kept wanting to ask you what you thought. :p
