Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ouran High School Host Club: Volume 16

by Bisco Hatori, 183 pages

Tamaki is ecstatic to be invited to live in the main mansion with his paternal grandmother (who also heads the family's corporate empire), but he soon discovers that the conditions of his acceptance--and her reasons for them--are painful. What's to become of the Host Club and its little family? And what of Haruhi, whose social status makes her unfit (and endangered) company for a proper Suoh heir?

Ah, there appear to be more secrets in Tamaki's and Haruhi's family backgrounds than we thought! The Host Club won't take disbandment--or a break-up of the their family--lying down. They stick together and they stick up for one another, even when they're pushed away, so if there's any dirt out there to dig up, they'll find it. Ooh, I hate to see Tamaki's loving, protective nature used against him like this. I detest the controlling adults in his life! The only time we've ever seen him angry is when he's made to worry about someone he cares about. I hope his grandma and his dad and anyone else abusing his trust for their own ends find themselves on the receiving end of his righteous ire soon. A Tamaki smack-down would be a glorious sight to see. Of course, we'll be laughing at him three panels later, but that's just part of what makes him so lovable both to his friends and to the reader.

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