Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mushishi (Volume 1)

by Yuki Urushibara
(2007 | 240 p)

I read this on the recommendation of a good friend. She's an avid manga reader and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about! I don't know if Mushishi is indicative of other manga, but it definitely left me open to the possibility of reading more. Especially now that I've figured out how to read them (it's not as simple as reading them backward).

These stories revolve around the idea that there are ancient spirits that live in the world along side humans, these spirits are called Mushi. Most people can't see them and for the most part the Mushi are harmless, but at times their existence does come to cross purposes with their human neighbors. That's when the Mushishi steps in. A Mushishi is a human whose life purpose is to maintain the balance between humans and Mushi, a Mushi master. The Mushishi in this story is Ginko. Ginko steps in to untangle any Mushi/human encounters, and to offer insights into the world of the Mushi.

This was a very pretty book and much fun to read. I'd recommend it to anyone who is curious about manga!

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