Sunday, March 13, 2011

X/1999: Volume 3: Sonata

by CLAMP, 182 pages

The Princess and Miss Kanoe, seers for the opposing forces (the Seven Seals and the Seven Harbingers) in the battle to come, both have dire visions of the future in which the fate of the world hinges not on Kamui choosing between two paths, but on two Kamuis battling it out for good or for ill. The Princess hopes the right Kamui will win. Miss Kanoe intends to make sure there's only one left before it even gets to that. Will her lies influence those closest to Kamui?

Ooh, I don't like it when baddies trick goodies into doing bad things they believe to be good! It always ends with everybody miserable. Don't listen to the evil lady, Fuma! And who are some of these other characters bumping into each other on Tokyo's darkened streets? Friends? Foes? Knowing the wily ways of CLAMP, the distinction may not be that easy.

With current events what they are, the seers' future visions of a leveled Tokyo make for some sobering reading. If only the news were just fiction, too....

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