Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ducks in a Row

Story By: Lori Haskins Houran, Pictures by: Joe Mathieu

Based on the bestselling books by Jackie Urbanovic, 32 pp

A little duck named Max needs to be needed. He tries to get all of his friends who all have something to do but him, give him something to do to help them. None of them are paying any attention to him.
Then one day Max's three aunts come to visit before the first snow fall and they help him feel needed; until one day it is just too much for Max. He is tired and wants to rest very badly.
Finally, while outside in the garden, he saw the first snowflake! Yay! The aunts could leave now and give Max a break.
As soon as Max said his goodbyes to his aunts, he goes to his chair and hears, "Max!" Oh boy, what now? But it was only his friend, Irene, with a blanket for him to take a nap.

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