Thursday, March 31, 2011


By Patricia Briggs

304 pages

We return to Aralorn's story to find not much has changed. She is still a spy and Wolf comes and goes as he pleases. Aralorn hears her father the Lyon of Lambshold has died so she goes home to place she hasn't seen in many years. Some reunions are joyful while others just bittersweet.

I was disapointed with such a time gap in writing the first and second books that the author didn't do more with the story. We get it, sorcerers can be evil and only Wolf/Cain is strong enough for many magical tasks that will arise but isn't there more to their story? It is pretty clear Aralorn and Wolf are together but little is explained about their relationship. I can only hope there will be a better third installment in the future.

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