Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Dresden Files

by Jim Butcher, total pages 1,201

I started reading the Dresden Files with Changes, the 12th in the series, then went back to the beginning with Storm Front. Because I knew "spoilers" from the most recent titles, some of the suspense was missing. However, I still found the earlier books interesting because I was seeing the beginning of relationships that span the series. Butcher writes urban fantasy (or as I call it fantasy noir) and the streets of his Chicago are dark indeed. Still, Harry Dresden, wizard for hire, has a smart mouth and a penchant for doing "the right thing" even if he knows he's going to be in big trouble. So far the series has had bad sorcerers, werewolves and vampires, not to mention the titular creatures from Ghost Story. I enjoy the fantasy universe that Butcher has created since he's twisted dark legends into new menacing shapes that haunt you even in broad daylight. And any book that references Star Trek, the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and The Princess Bride all in the same chapter is right up my geeky alley. I'd put Butcher and Laurell K Hamilton at the top of my list of dark fantasy writers.

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