Wednesday, August 17, 2011

X/1999: Volume 13: Lament

by CLAMP, 180 pages

The Harbingers are starting to make trouble in earnest, attacking Tokyo's magically protective buildings with a series of destructive earthquakes. A young Seal tries to stop them, but alone she's not enough. Then Kamui stumbles upon Fuma just as the latter decapitates yet another of his friends. The battle goes rather downhill for Kamui from there until a pair of fellow Seals arrives on the scene and Fuma bows out till next time, never having lost his frightening cool.

Oh, these characters suffer a lot. At least we didn't know the deceased as well as we do some of the others. And Kamui is once again in need of hospitalization, every effort to impede Fuma having once again failed. Kamui needs to be more proactive, and not just wait for the other side to act before doing something. Otherwise, they'll always be a step ahead and he'll just have to take yet more gruesome beatings and watch more and more of his friends get killed in horrible ways. It's kinda depressing. And yet I can't stop reading....

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