Wednesday, April 27, 2011

XxxHolic: Volume 11

by CLAMP, 185 pages

Watanuki's giving nature ties him ever more closely to those who love him, even as he begins to come untethered from existence. Seeing the signs of the coming confrontation, Yûko does her best to maintain the shop's physical and spiritual integrity while preparing Dômeki and the others for the moment Watanuki will need them the most.

CLAMP do cute as well as they do cool. Between the devoted pipe fox spirit, Himawari-chan's safe little bird, the admiring son of the fox spirit who runs the oden cart, and of course Mokona, the urge to cuddle something while reading this series is great. I'm so glad I have a lap cat! But the cute things serve more than just to suck in impressionable readers. The characters need those cuddles to balance out all that is frightening and dead-serious in their lives--and there's a lot of that here. I do not begrudge Yûko and Mokona their boozy parties or Watanuki his silly rants at obnoxiously patient Dômeki or his perpetual swooning bedazzlement at the littlest of Himawari-chan's smiles. We need those giggles as much as they do. And if the sudden influx of cute and the growing background tension seeping out into the foreground are any hint, we're going to have need of them soon. Don't vanish, Watanuki!

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