Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stand Straight, Ella Kate by Kate Klise, illustrated by Sarah Klise


About the Book: Ella Kate was a real giant-at her tallest she stood at over 8 feet! This is her story.

Sarah Teenlibrarian Says: Yep, another shout out to the Klise sisters! (and Kate Klise who is a Missouri author!)

Stand Straight, Ella Kate is a picture book biography of Ella Kate Ewing, the tallest lady on Earth. When Ella starts growing at an alarming rate at age seven, she's embarrassed, teased and becomes shy. But as she grows up, she realizes that her height can also lead to great adventures. She travels with the circus, appears in museums, and makes money for her family.

I loved the illustrations! The illustrations bring the story to life. I also love that there's a great discussion that can happen with this book about overcoming your fears and shyness, but it never feels like the book is really slapping you in the face with that message.

A great early biography-highly recommended!

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