Monday, November 21, 2011

"Before I Go To Sleep" by S.J. Watson

360 pages

Since she had a terrible accident more than 20 years ago, Christine has suffered from amnesia. As she sleeps, her mind erases everything she did that day. She wakes up the next day thinking she's still a young woman with her life ahead of her. Through it all, her husband, Ben, has stayed with her, trudging through the daily frustration of introducing his wife to her reality. So why doesn't she trust him? That's what Christine has to figure out when she wakes up one day, finds her secret diary, and discovers the words "DON'T TRUST BEN" etched across the front page.

This book totally had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. The premise (which is like the movie "50 First Dates" but with an ominous rather than humorous tone) is so interesting and unsettling. If you forgot everything every 24 hours, who could you trust? How would you even figure out who you could trust? If you did figure it out, how would you make sure you knew the next day? The diary format made it feel extremely personal, like I was as insecure and unsure has Christine. The details got a bit confusing and it was difficult to keep everything straight as far as what Christine knew on any given day, but I couldn't find any holes in the story. The super-intense ending is a complete surprise. Although the conclusion is a bit too rushed for my taste and I would have liked some more closure, I did find it satisfying. Overall, one of the better thrillers I've read lately.

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