Sunday, July 24, 2011

Arata: The Legend: Volume 6

by Yuu Watase, 190 pages

Hinohara must deal with the repercussions of Kadowaki's presence in Amawakuni, but he's still on a mission to make the other shinsho submit to him so they can present a united front against the greater enemy. Meanwhile, Arata faces the flipside of Kadowaki's swap in the form of one of the Twelve Shinsho, the deadly Harunawa.

After the drama of his earlier encounter, Hinohara's current mission in a town that lives and dies by cold, hard currency seems a little silly. Also, I'm annoyed that Arata only gets one (one!) chapter. Kadowaki clearly needs some time focused on him, wherever he is (and with the introduction of another new character, it looks like he might get some more dedicated page time in the future), but even split three ways that would give Arata more than one little high-octane chapter. *harumph* I'm still enjoying the story just fine, but the continued lack of equilibrium in the telling's perspectives disturbs my sense of artistic rightness.

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