Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Kelly Creagh
543 pages

School Project+Cheerleader+goth kid= Isobel's life. She had been partnered with Varen Nethers to do an English project about Poe and she is not happy about it. He is creepy and never talks to anyone. Her boyfriend Brad doesn't like it either. Slowly Isobel learns how good her friends really are and finds a few new ones along the way. She starts seeing things that can't be real and Varen seems to be the cause but can't control it. Can she save him before it is too late?

I really liked "Nevermore". The theme at surface value can be seen as overused with the blonde popular girl growing as a person and becoming friends with the outcast boy but there is a lot of original idea too. There is more to Varen than meets the eye and Isobel is drawn into his world. As a fan of Poe I really liked all the references but the dreamworld is confusing. Towards the end I got pretty lost and frustrated. Great story and will definitely be awaiting the sequel.

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